These are a bunch of Neopets questions folks were kind enough to send my way, reposted from my old Tumblr days. The original questions were all asked and answered when I still worked on the site, though I’ve added some updated info here where relevant. ? I couldn’t tell you either way. I mean, we have plans to update all the lands eventually, of course, but giving…
Uh Oh
When anyone from the office calls my house, I usually say “uh oh” instead of “hello” when I pick up the phone. If its Viola or Mr. Insane asking if I want to go to a movie or something, it makes no sense and I sound weird. But it’s totally worth it for the inevitable emergency call where something’s gone horribly wrong because then I…
Tales From the Office
The air conditioner here in the office automatically turns off at 7 PM. The loud whirring sound it’s been making – the one you forgot about as the day progressed – has ceased, and without the usual banter and carrying on that is normally in abundance during work hours, everything is quiet. This event is not so special by itself, but it’s become synonymous with…
Dear Mrs. Okuma
Remember when you used to visit us from across the street and ask to borrow some apples from our tree in the back yard? I was 8 and you were 80… ish? I’m really sorry if I’m way off base there. My 8-year-old self had a hard time figuring out anyone over 30, you understand. All I knew is that you and Mr. Okuma were…